For most mothers, knowing they are about to have a baby fills them with excitement and also some apprehension. It can be hard to just stop and enjoy what’s happening without your mind wandering to tasks and lists that need to be ticked off.
Trying to connect emotionally with your baby during pregnancy is important.
Make time each day to hold your baby in your mind so that they become part of your life. Try closing your eyes and imagining what they look like? What do you think their personality will be like? How do you picture your life with them once they are born?
Put a gift aside for them, like an item of clothing or something they will use. Or you might make something if you’re crafty. You may even choose something from your own childhood that you will pass on to them.
Mixed feelings about being pregnant is normal and to an extent necessary as you are preparing for changes. Try to be accepting. It can help to keep a journal where you write your ideas about how your life may be different after baby arrives; your relationships, roles at home and work, leisure time/hobbies, and self care. What could you find stressful? What could you put in place to manage it ?
Take some time to think about your childhood experience growing up. What did you like or didn’t like about how you were raised? What was your parents emotional style or attitude? How was your relationship with your parents? Note down the things you plan to use in your own parenting and what you plan to do differently. Is there anything you do particularly well now that might be a good skill to have when parenting?
Hope you find these good suggestions. If you can think of more please add some in the comments!
Until next time